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Number of patents at three patent offices

data publication
26 June 2024
How many triadic patents were applied for by Dutch authorities in the period 2002-2021? A triadic patent is a patent applied for at the patent offices of Europe (European Patent Office), the US (United States Patent and Trademark Office) and Japan (Japan Patent Office). In this data publication we share the figures of the number of triadic patents, per year.

In short

  • The number of Dutch triadic patents has been declining since 2014.
  • In 2021, Japan and the US filed the most triadic patents.
  • Internationally compared, the Netherlands is above the median of the reference countries shown here.

How did the number of triadic patents applied for by the Netherlands developed in the period 2002-2021?


From 2003, the number of triadic patents applications from the Netherlands decreased. From 2011 the annual number of triadic patent requests increases and from 2014 on the number is declining. The majority of the applications are from the industrial sector (CBS, 2023). 


How many triadic patents were applied for by reference countries in 2021?

The number of triadic patent requests filed by inventors from the Netherlands in 2018 surpasses the number of requests filed by a majority of countries in the benchmark.

facts and figures

892 triadic patent applications by the Netherlands (2021)

6106 triadic patent applications by China (2021)

71 triadic patent applications by the Czech Republic (2021)