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Share of university - private co-publications (international)

data publication
21 June 2024
university publications
What share of all scientific publications are university-private co-productions? In this data publication, we show the co-publications of universities and companies as a share of all university publications and for the Netherlands the development over time. This provides insight into the collaborative relationships between universities and private organisations.

In short

  • In this comparison Japan has the highest percentage of university-private co-publications, Norway and Australia the lowest.
  • The share of university-private co-publications in the Netherlands is above the average of OECD and EU-15.
  • The percentages of university-private co-publications in the Netherlands, the OECD- and EU-15, have remained fairly stable between 2009 and 2021, and have been rising since then.

The share of university-private co-publications in the Netherlands remain fairly stable over the period 2009-2021 and is above the OECD average and the EU-15 average. Between 2011 and 2015, the percentage of co-publications remained the same over the years. From 2016 to 2019, this percentage began slowly to rise. In the two subsequent years, the percentage slightly decreased. In 2021, the Netherlands scored 8,5%. This is slightly higher than countries like Germany (8,2%), the UK, the US (each 7,9%) and Belgium (7,8%) but lower than Austria (9,3%), Denmark (9,3%), Japan (9,4%), Finland (9,0%) and Sweden (8,7%).